Monday 18 July 2011


'About a Girl' released in 2001, is an example of a successful short film, based on the events of a true story. The short film won in total 8 awards, including a Bafta. Despite the majority of the feature depicting the life of a suppose ordinary young girl, the generic dialogue and everyday happenings, offered an obvious contrast to the shocking and unexpected ending, and overall message of the feature. Camera angles and narration assists in conveying the innocence and naivety of the girl compared to the act she was committing. Sad and eye opening, this short film skillfully conveys the concern of the writer, as well as educating the audience, in an unexpected area. 

Saturday 16 July 2011


In order to gain experience in differing video cameras, before filming for our chosen piece, we was set a task to film a scenario 'THE PHONE CALL' by doing so we was able to set up a camera, as well as a tripod, film footage from a variety of angles and shot types, and later edit the video, incorporating as many different transitions and edits as possible, this included cutaway and titles.

Wednesday 13 July 2011


After viewing the previous years final videos, I was able to note aspects which I believed to assist in making the film appear professional but also noticed some aspects which were not so good. Watching these videos was beneficial as it enabled me learn tips on what not to and what to do when it comes too filming. 
  • Use a tripod to keep the shots steady.
  • Make sure sound levels are synchronised with movements etc. By using a microphone, or a similar device.
  • The pace of editing was appropriate for this genre of film.
  • Hand-held cameras - could use 2 cameras to create a homevideo contrast effect.
  • Think carefully about what Institution identity to use, e.g. Working-Title for a British type of film.
  • Consider lighting.
  • Sometimes when creating horror videos, less is more impact.
  • The editing process is extremely important.
  • Rule of thirds is a good technique when filming. 
  • If you are adding titles throughout the film/trailer, think carefully about the words - they could spoil it.

Sunday 10 July 2011


  • Candidates frequently spent substantial time planning the main production but hardly considered their ancillary tasks.
  • Candidates had presented their pre-production material with a director’s commentary
  • Combined performance and narrative to good effect, with a variety of camera work used creatively and with appropriate editing.
  • The best teaser trailers showed excellent understanding of the genre, being short in length and consisting of numerous shots that were tightly edited.
  • Candidates seemed to spend so little time (or had little knowledge of) the importance of the lighting and composition of images in their principal shoots that they were left with sub-standard original material to work with.
  • The best videos combined performance and narrative to good effect, with a variety of camera work used creatively and with appropriate editing.
  • Best practice made creative and varied use of digital technology in the presentation of work, using such things as video, audio, PowerPoint and freely available presentation software online such as Prezi and Scribd.
  • Candidates whose responses are limited to essay style prose, whether on a blog or PowerPoint presentation illustrated by some still images, do not demonstrate excellence in the use of digital technology in the presentation of their work.
  • Images were best when thought had been given to pose, expression, props, lighting, costume and setting and when subsequent use of image software enhanced the photos appropriately.
  • Camerawork was often far too limited, particularly lacking in close ups and with insufficient attention paid to framing.

Saturday 9 July 2011


Throughout the entirety of my Advanced Portfolio blog, I will demonstrate a wide range of media techniques shown in differing formats. Task options for this topic, is to either produce a short film,a film trailer or a  documentary. As I have had no previous experience in creating any of these, I will research into all, then decide which style of video will suit my ideas and concept the most. In addition, I will need to create two ancillary products to accompany my final piece. My Advance Portfolio will convey the skills I will acquire and knowledge I hope to gain in differing media formats.