Thursday 26 January 2012


During Filming in order to gain the footage I needed I filmed in various places.



Monday 23 January 2012


During the stages of filming and editing my footage, there was some images and clips that I later decided to not put into my final trailer, the reasoning for this, was due to the quality of the visuals. Throughout the duration of the filming stage I had to use various cameras, the video camera which I did my interview on was of a much better quality than the video cameras I have previously used. Therefore when I put all the footage together there was a noticeable difference in the quality of the footage, in an attempt to make my piece look professional I therefore cut the weaker quality footage, in order for my piece to look skillful and coherent. 

Wednesday 18 January 2012


In order to change my clips from colour to Black and White, I had to use the colour correction tools on  iMovie'08.
  • If you select a clip in your project, you can make colour changes by hitting the letter "V" on your keyboard or by clicking the "Adjust Video" button.
  • This will bring up the "Video Adjustments" window, which really is just about correcting the colour in your video clips.
  • To make a clip look Black & White, we need to first make changes to the Saturation settings for the clip. Saturation is just a measure of how vibrant the colors are. 
  • Drag the saturation slider all the way to the left and watch all the color wash out.
  • Then you adjust the Contrast in order to change the brightness of the black and white, this enables the overall image/clip to appear more defined

Saturday 14 January 2012


The XX - Heart skipped a beat - to play in background of my documentary film, the reasoning as to why I choose this specific song is that I believe its pace and style will compliment my genre and topic of film.

Saturday 7 January 2012


Music is a very commonly used technique in documentaries. the music nearly always relates in some way to the imagery on the screen at the time, and sets the mood for the visuals. Overall the music in the Documentary is a representation of the mood of the trailer or subject of the film. 

Music which is used in existing Documentary films.

The September Issue

Bill Cunningham - New York
Paul Reeves' 'Swingin' Out'

Page One - Inside the New York Times
The music featured in the trailer for this specific film is instrumental, by having this style of music, it acts as a background sound to the dialogue in the trailer.

Thursday 5 January 2012


The images below are the logos I have chosen to represent my brand, in order to ensure that my final piece will appeal to my target demographic, I will ask my focus group for feedback on each image, form this feedback I will be able to note which image they believed best suited.