Wednesday 7 September 2011


  • Post modernism is different text in media in media form makes it more stimulus for the reader/audience.
  • Intertextuality, is when (in a music video) there is not only a performer but also creating a message for the audience.
  • Editing has to make sense in a narrative way
  • One text referencing another - in music videos etc
  • Homage/ Pastiche - references to action sequences from a previous film, such as 'AnuvaHood' is influenced and affected by the previous film 'KidultHood'
  • Lumiere Brothers -MODERN- first people to create film -ACTUALITIES- they toured with their films using CINEMATOGRAPH - which successfully functioned as as a camera, projector and printer
  • Should wait for person/action to come into the shot
  • The Brothers where playing around with film, seeing what they was able to do!! They were experimenters 
  • La voyage dans la Lune 1902

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