Tuesday 20 September 2011


Poetic Documentary
- Does not use continuity editing, sacrifices sense of the very specific location and place that continuity  creates
- Explores associations and patterns that involve temporal rhythms and spatial juxtapositions 
- Social Actors rarely become fully-fledged characters
- Opens up possibility of alternative forms of knowledge to straightforward transfer of knowledge

Expository Documentary
- Arose from dissatisfaction with distracting entertainment qualities of the fiction film 

- Voice of god commentary, poetic perspectives sought to disclose information about historical world & see that world afresh, even if ideas seem romantic or didactic 
- Addresses viewer directly, w/titles or voices
- Advances argument about historical world 
- It takes shape around commentary directed toward the viewer; images illustrate  the verbal commentary builds sense of dramatic involvement around need for solution to a problem. 

-  Nonsynchronous sound prevails (historical circumstances)
- Editing generally establishes/maintains rhetorical continuity more than spatial/temporal  
Observational Documentary 
- Arose from available lightweight portable synchronous recordin equipment & dissatisfaction with moralizing quality of expository documentary. 

- It allowed filmmaker to record unobtrusively what folks did when not explicitly addressing the camera. 
- It stresses the nonintervention of filmmaker 
- Filmmaker cedes control of events more than any other mode. 
- Editing doesnít construct time frame or rhythm, but enhances impression of lived or real time. 
- This mode limited filmmaker to present moment and required disciplined detachment from events themselves. 
- It uses indirect address, speech overheard, synchronous sound, relatively long takes. 
Interactive Documentary 
- It arose from the availability of same mobile equipment & desire to make filmmakers perspective more evident. 
- It allows filmmaker to account for past events via witnesses and experts whom viewer can also see 
- Archival footage becomes appended to these commentaries to avoid hazards of reenactment and monolithic claims of voice of god commentary 

Reflexive Documentary 
- Arose form desire to make the conventions of representation themselves more apparent and to challenge the impression of reality which other three modes normally conveyed unproblematically. 
- It is the most self-aware mode - its reflexivity makes audience aware of how other modes claim to construct "truth" through documentary practice.
- It uses many of devices of other modes but sets them on edge so viewer attends to device as well as the effect. 
- It tears away veil of filmmakers illusory absence 

Performative Documentary 
- Like Reflexive Documentary, it raises questions about knowledge

- Endorses definition of knowledge that emphasizes personal experience (in tradition of poetry, literature)
- Tries to demonstrate how understanding such personal knowledge can help us understand more general processes of society (May "mix" elements of various documentary modes to achieve link between subjective knowledge/understanding of the world, and more general understandings, i.e. historical ones.)

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