Thursday 22 September 2011


Dissimilar to my AS project, where my product TUNE, a music magazine, had a clear target audience, which was easily categorised by age, gender and interest, for my A2 project, a documentary which offers an insight into the world of modeling, THE MODEL INDUSTRY, has the ability to appeal to all groups. Therefore my project has no specific demographic but instead will simply interest anyone who wants to find out more about or gain knowledge about the truth behind the modeling and fashion industry. This group of people would be known as my 'intended target audience.' 


NAME              Bronte Horncastle                      
AGE                 19                                          
SCHOOL         St Marys University
STUDYING     English and Film Studies
LIKES              Fashion, Food, Music
DISLIKES        Sport

NAME              Jaz Wasson
AGE                 17
SCHOOL         St Bernards High School 
STUDYING     English Drama Art                  
LIKES              Fashion, Reading                                                   
DISLIKES       School

NAME              Ellis Hebden
AGE                 17
SCHOOL         Southend High School 
STUDYING     Politics, History, French
LIKES              Dancing, Singing
DISLIKES       Animals

NAME             Jerry Hyams
AGE                 25
SCHOOL        Working
STUDYING    Events Manager
LIKES             Shopping, Concerts
DISLIKES      Driving

Tuesday 20 September 2011


Poetic Documentary
- Does not use continuity editing, sacrifices sense of the very specific location and place that continuity  creates
- Explores associations and patterns that involve temporal rhythms and spatial juxtapositions 
- Social Actors rarely become fully-fledged characters
- Opens up possibility of alternative forms of knowledge to straightforward transfer of knowledge

Expository Documentary
- Arose from dissatisfaction with distracting entertainment qualities of the fiction film 

- Voice of god commentary, poetic perspectives sought to disclose information about historical world & see that world afresh, even if ideas seem romantic or didactic 
- Addresses viewer directly, w/titles or voices
- Advances argument about historical world 
- It takes shape around commentary directed toward the viewer; images illustrate  the verbal commentary builds sense of dramatic involvement around need for solution to a problem. 

-  Nonsynchronous sound prevails (historical circumstances)
- Editing generally establishes/maintains rhetorical continuity more than spatial/temporal  
Observational Documentary 
- Arose from available lightweight portable synchronous recordin equipment & dissatisfaction with moralizing quality of expository documentary. 

- It allowed filmmaker to record unobtrusively what folks did when not explicitly addressing the camera. 
- It stresses the nonintervention of filmmaker 
- Filmmaker cedes control of events more than any other mode. 
- Editing doesnít construct time frame or rhythm, but enhances impression of lived or real time. 
- This mode limited filmmaker to present moment and required disciplined detachment from events themselves. 
- It uses indirect address, speech overheard, synchronous sound, relatively long takes. 
Interactive Documentary 
- It arose from the availability of same mobile equipment & desire to make filmmakers perspective more evident. 
- It allows filmmaker to account for past events via witnesses and experts whom viewer can also see 
- Archival footage becomes appended to these commentaries to avoid hazards of reenactment and monolithic claims of voice of god commentary 

Reflexive Documentary 
- Arose form desire to make the conventions of representation themselves more apparent and to challenge the impression of reality which other three modes normally conveyed unproblematically. 
- It is the most self-aware mode - its reflexivity makes audience aware of how other modes claim to construct "truth" through documentary practice.
- It uses many of devices of other modes but sets them on edge so viewer attends to device as well as the effect. 
- It tears away veil of filmmakers illusory absence 

Performative Documentary 
- Like Reflexive Documentary, it raises questions about knowledge

- Endorses definition of knowledge that emphasizes personal experience (in tradition of poetry, literature)
- Tries to demonstrate how understanding such personal knowledge can help us understand more general processes of society (May "mix" elements of various documentary modes to achieve link between subjective knowledge/understanding of the world, and more general understandings, i.e. historical ones.)

Thursday 15 September 2011


It can be argued that the responsibility to tell important stories falls on the shoulders of documentary filmmakers.  Given the recent unprecedented box-office successes for some documentaries, it is evident that the public desire for more documentary based films is at it strongest, however despite this many extraordinary documentaries have difficulties broadcasting their feature as well as attracting large audiences, due to a lack of publicity, in comparison to blockbuster titles. Nevertheless advances in technology, and the widening of peoples knowledge in software etc can be said to have made it easier for filmmakers to distribute their work.    

Sunday 11 September 2011


What is a Documentary 
The term 'documentary' is used to describe  any film which aims to document some aspect of reality. They can take many forms ; from short films documentaries lasting just three minutes, television documentaries or feature length ones that are released in cinemas alongside the latest blockbusters. 'Documentary'  has been described as a 'film making practice a cinematic tradition and ode of audience reception' that is continually evolving and is without clear boundaries

History of Documentaries
The first films that could be described as documentaries were 'actualities.'These were single-shot moments captured of film :a train entering a station, a boat docking, or factory workers leaving work. The Lumiere brothers made many famous ones, such as this one of workers leaving a factory.

the newsreel tradition is an important progression in documentary film; newsreels were also sometimes staged but were usually re-enactments of events that had already happened, not attempts to steer events as they were in the process of happening

1920 - 1940
From 1920 to the 1940's most factual or documentary films were propaganda, with their main purpose being t persuade the audience of a point.

1950 - 1970's
The 1950's saw the start o a movement known as 'cinema-verite' (or direct cinema) the fundamentals of the  style include following a person during a crisis with a moving , often handheld, camera to capture more personal reactions. there are no sit down interviews and the shooting ratio (the amount of film shot to the finished product) is very high, often reaching eighty to one. From there, editors  fin and sculpt the work into a film.

Modern Documentaries
Box office analysts have noted that this film genre has become increasingly successful in theatrical release with films such as ....super size me, march of the penguins, fahrenheit 9/11.....compared to dramatic narrative films documentaries typically have far lower budgets which makes them attractive  to film companies because even  limited theatrical release can be highly profitable.

Wednesday 7 September 2011


  • Post modernism is different text in media in media form makes it more stimulus for the reader/audience.
  • Intertextuality, is when (in a music video) there is not only a performer but also creating a message for the audience.
  • Editing has to make sense in a narrative way
  • One text referencing another - in music videos etc
  • Homage/ Pastiche - references to action sequences from a previous film, such as 'AnuvaHood' is influenced and affected by the previous film 'KidultHood'
  • Lumiere Brothers -MODERN- first people to create film -ACTUALITIES- they toured with their films using CINEMATOGRAPH - which successfully functioned as as a camera, projector and printer
  • Should wait for person/action to come into the shot
  • The Brothers where playing around with film, seeing what they was able to do!! They were experimenters 
  • La voyage dans la Lune 1902