Sunday 2 October 2011


Name - Paddi Horncastle
Title of Brief -  Documentary Film Trailer
Outline of ideas - My video will be in then form of a Documentary Film trailer, being predominantly based on the model industry. I will attempt to highlight the lives of models, as well as showing light on one of the most competitive industries in the fashion world.
Ancillary Products - Film Poster / Film Magazine Front Cover
Target Audience - All though there is no specific demographic for my piece, i believe that girls aged between 16-25 are most likely to view my 'film' as it could appeal to their interest. However there could also be a secondary audience, those who are within the model industry or are aiming to become apart of it, therefore my trailer aims to inform.
How will your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? What is your inspiration?
Through research I have been able to understand the conventions of a film trailer, but most specifically a documentary film trailer. In order to attempt to make my final piece resemble a professional trailer, I will incorporate these conventions, these include titles, slow editing, abstract shots etc. However I will also edit my footage in a way which can be seen to challenge the conventions of these genre of film, I have decided to edit the entirety of my film to black and white, I believe that this change will differentiate my film from others, as well as the colour style will reinforce the seriousness of my piece.
How will your main product and ancillary texts compliment each other?
I hope that the ancillary products I produce to accompany my main video, will compliment one another. I will try to keep a reoccurring theme through all three tasks, whether this be through colour choice, font type or images selected. 
How will you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Throughout the duration of constructing, researching, planing and evaluating my project I will use various forms of technology, in order to clearly present my work, capture my footage and edit my final piece. All of my research will be posted on Blogger and online blog, this presentation will allow my posts to be easily found as well as appearing structured and easy to read. I will also rely heavily on the internet, as I will have to watch documentary films in order to understand the codes and conventions which are used. When filming my footage I will use a video camera, and later edit my footage in Imovie, an editing software. As well as this, I will use differing forms of powerpoint, sound clips and videos during the planning, generic research and evaluation, enabling me to use as many interactive media technologies as possible.

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