Wednesday 22 February 2012



In order to create my film poster I first had to create a new document on Photoshop C3, the measurements of the document I made was 35cm by 50cm, these measurements enabled me to replica the shape and size of a real film poster.

After creating the document I then made the logo for my film, and decided to use it as the film poster, the simplicity of the image suited my style of film as well as this the black and white image of polaroids, which makes up the text stands out boldly against the white background. 

After making and scaling my logo to a size which best suited the size of the poster, I then positioned it in the middle of the page.As the only image it was important for it to be central, therefore attracting the audiences attention.  Once happy with the placing, I used the Text Tool to write the names of those that had  featured within the film, this concept of putting important peoples name along the top of the poster is a convention that it seen on nearly all film posters, regardless of genre. The font which I used was Helvetica Light, as it looked professional and clear, as well as this from previous research it was evident that many already establishing brands used this typography.

Also through the research process, I noticed that most posters included the stars they were rewarded, this is a way of  appealing to an audience, as it highlights the quality of the film. As well as this I added a slogan/tag line underneath the focal image, this would assist in attracting my audience.
In order to complete my poster I put the season in which the film will be out as well as a website, hopefully people would go on the website after seeing the trailer if this genre and topic of film appeals to them. Overall I kept my poster simple, keeping to the colour scheme of black and white the poster would stand out as well as conform to conventions of this genre of film poster. 


In order to create the front cover of my Film Magazine I first decided what would be my focal images,  I chose make up as it had connotations to the idea of beauty which is heavily associated with the modeling industry. Furthermore my documentary aims to show the girls behind the make up, unwrapped, therefore the chosen image has associations with this concept. I did not just want an image of ordinary make up, so instead I drew make up products, once finished I took a photo and uploaded it to Photoshop.

Once uploaded I cropped the images and placed them side by side so there appeared to be a row of make up. Once satisfied with where they were positioning, I adjusted the colour of the image with the'Fill Tool' as well as this I changed the brightness and contrast as this enabled my image to appear more defined and of a better quality. 

During the stages of producing my Magazine cover, It was essential for me to find an image of the lettering of total film, once found I copied the font style and placed it at the top of my magazine, so the brand name was obvious to any audience member.

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