Saturday 17 March 2012



(words written in THIS FONT are links)

Throughout the entirety of planning, researching, constructing and later evaluating my documentary film trailer, I successfully took advantage of the use of technology. In an attempt to neatly and orderly present all aspects of my work, I displayed my findings on, this is a free and social website on the internet. During the early stages of my coursework, I used the internet to assist with my research, websites such as 4od and YOUTUBE enabled me to watch films, which were relevant to my specific genre documentary films, which do not get great exposure in cinema, DVD etc as much as other styles and genres of film, furthermore I too looked at numerous behind the scenes videos of fashion shows, these gave me an insight into the role of the model, as well as being able to see how a professional photographer or film maker documented the model industry, as well as viewing hundreds of pages of tumblr, which was full of fashion imagery, through my research I was both inspired and influenced. As well as displaying my research on websites I also used PREZI, an online program which allowed me to make online presentations, conveying my analysis of certain areas of my research, such as comparing the conventions of already existing and established film magazines. Following on from this, the internet too enabled me to research and view examples of my chosen auxilary products, a film magazine front cover and a film poster. After analyzing these forms of media,  I used the Adobe Photoshop software to create my own auxiliary products. During the process of construction, I used differing media forms in order to create and produce my film trailer, such as a video-camera and a digital camera.Once I had completed my main filming, which was an interview, I edited my footage in iMovie which allowed me too make the necessary edits in order to make my footage appear skillful and polished, these included extracting audio, splitting and cutting certain clips as well as reordering the sequence of my trailer. Once in its entirety, I used the well known website Youtube  to upload my trailer, allowing me to then share my work on blogger. When evaluating my product  I used online websites such as prezi, which i had used previously, to highlight my a particular stage of my evaluation, as it enabled me to clearly and orderly structure my feedback. 

Thursday 8 March 2012


On reviewing my interview footage with Charlotte, I decided that the piece would look more professional if I change the colour of the entire video from Normalto Black & White. When doing this it was also important for me to consider the contrast and brightness of the clip, as this change effected the overall lightness and quality of the clip. Furthermore after this edit, I too decided to change the size of the frame, using the crop tool. When scaling the frame of the clip, I decided to change charlottes position form a medium shot, with her being situated central, to a close up shot as well as changing her from centre to the right hand side. As this interview was featured a lot in my trailer, the differing shots enabled the trailer to look more professional and interesting, rather the entirety of the interview being shot from the same distance and angle. 

As my film was based predominantly on Charlotte;a model. Who the film is set and based upon, I decided to include footage of her laughing, as this happened during the interview, there is evidently  both speech and laughter, therefore when reviewing my footage I decided to eliminate this sound, and make the clip silent, in doing so I was able to still include the footage of her laughing without the distraction of the dialogue.  Although this may seem to be an odd choice of clips, I believe that including this footage, highlighted a relationship between the 'talent' and the person filming, this expression of laughter showed that the film would be about one particular model therefore it showed her as a person rather than just a catwalk model. 

Further, similar to many of my differing clips, it was essential that I change the colour of this clip from normal to black&white,in order for it be consistent and coherent with the rest of my feature. In previous footage I had used clips of Charlotte laughing to highlight her role within the film, but for the opening of the trailer I decided I wanted to feature a clip where she looked serious, reflecting the actions of a models audition tape . However when I asked Charlotte to do this, the footage I got was not what I was looking for, therefore I re-watched all of the interview and edited clips where she was naturally moving but these had  a similar effect to the style I was looking for.  Once I had selected the clips I edited them so they were mute, and like before changed the scale of the frame so it was an extreme close up, ensuring the rule of thirds.

During my trailer I was keen on highlighting the famous 'model polaroid' this style of photograph is a common association to the model industry. As I filmed the clip in colour I had to change this to black&white. I believed this colour choice assisted in conveying the tone of my documentary film, as a documentary the film would be mainly factual and an insight into the competitive world of modeling.

After changing the colour of this specific clip, I also decided to change the scale of he frame, form a medium shot to a close up shot. In doing so I was able to highlight the models who feature on the polaroids clearer as there was not so many on screen at once, unlike before.

As my Documentary film was in the style of an observatory documentary, the narration which accompanied the visuals was limited. Therefore I gave narration through the appropriate use of Titles, which conveyed important and necessary imformation to the audience. From research this was a common convention of most trailers, whether they be a documentary film or an alternate genre.

Wednesday 7 March 2012


In order to allow my work to look as professional as possible I used a tool called iMovie, by using this I was able to skillfully and precisely edit my footage.

As my footage was already saved onto my computer I had to import it to iMovie so I was able to edit it. This was easily done by clicking on File - Import Movie

After choosing to import my own footage, iMovie allowed me to access all video documents within my computer, allowing me to easily select which ones I intended to use.

When imported, the raw footage will appear on the bottom half of the screen, being able to play this, you are too able to decide which bits f the clip are most successful and select them, once doing so a yellow box will appear around your selected piece of video.

After you have chosen which part of the clip, you want to use, you are able to drag the clip into the top box, which will end u consisting of your final edit.

Once you have dragged the clip it will appear in the top left hand side of the box, once here you are able to continue to edit it.

Inorder to gain full use and advantage of iMovie, it is suggested to turn Advanced Tools on this gives access to differing and more professional editing tools.

Once you have selected more clips, you  are able to play you feature in widescreen, therefore allowing you to view your product in the way it would appear on youtube etc.