Saturday 17 March 2012



(words written in THIS FONT are links)

Throughout the entirety of planning, researching, constructing and later evaluating my documentary film trailer, I successfully took advantage of the use of technology. In an attempt to neatly and orderly present all aspects of my work, I displayed my findings on, this is a free and social website on the internet. During the early stages of my coursework, I used the internet to assist with my research, websites such as 4od and YOUTUBE enabled me to watch films, which were relevant to my specific genre documentary films, which do not get great exposure in cinema, DVD etc as much as other styles and genres of film, furthermore I too looked at numerous behind the scenes videos of fashion shows, these gave me an insight into the role of the model, as well as being able to see how a professional photographer or film maker documented the model industry, as well as viewing hundreds of pages of tumblr, which was full of fashion imagery, through my research I was both inspired and influenced. As well as displaying my research on websites I also used PREZI, an online program which allowed me to make online presentations, conveying my analysis of certain areas of my research, such as comparing the conventions of already existing and established film magazines. Following on from this, the internet too enabled me to research and view examples of my chosen auxilary products, a film magazine front cover and a film poster. After analyzing these forms of media,  I used the Adobe Photoshop software to create my own auxiliary products. During the process of construction, I used differing media forms in order to create and produce my film trailer, such as a video-camera and a digital camera.Once I had completed my main filming, which was an interview, I edited my footage in iMovie which allowed me too make the necessary edits in order to make my footage appear skillful and polished, these included extracting audio, splitting and cutting certain clips as well as reordering the sequence of my trailer. Once in its entirety, I used the well known website Youtube  to upload my trailer, allowing me to then share my work on blogger. When evaluating my product  I used online websites such as prezi, which i had used previously, to highlight my a particular stage of my evaluation, as it enabled me to clearly and orderly structure my feedback. 

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