Saturday 14 April 2012



On completion of  my products it was important to gain feedback from my target demographic, as my film trailer contained no content which could have been  seen as inappropriate for certain ages, I asked people of differing ages to give their views on my products. In doing so it became apparent that "The Model industry" appealed to a varied demographic. This was mainly due to the way in which I portrayed the industry, through Charlotte a young girl who seemed happy and sweet rather than serious and moody common associations with models.  On listening to feedback, it can be said that the concept of my trailer worked well, using the focal visual of charlotte combined with snippets of the model industry, it offered a balance between the two. Through the lack of dialogue the trailer did not give anything away, however still appealed to the viewer, as the use of titles, such as 'THIS YEAR FASHION PRESENTS'gave narration for the feature, therefore my target audience would be more inclined to go and see the film. The main aspects of the film which the audience preferred was the use of black and white, suggesting that this colour scheme, complimented the chosen visuals enabling the piece to appear professional and polished, as well as being a contrast to the alternate existing and established deocumentary films. Furthermore the choice of song 'Heart skipped a beat - The XX' too seemed popular among the viewers, as a majority of the song is beats and instrumental rather than lyrics, the music did not distract from the trailer but instead assisted it in telling the story of the film. Further more, overall the combination of my three products complimented and worked well together, as all three was similar in colour scheme and simplicity

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